How to Handle Parenting Challenges
Parenting is not just about providing children with the basic needs of food, education, shelter and clothing. It involves supporting your children emotionally, socially, psychologically,
Parenting is not just about providing children with the basic needs of food, education, shelter and clothing. It involves supporting your children emotionally, socially, psychologically,
Each year life seems to move faster and faster, as if time is actually speeding up. Have you noticed? Sometimes it seems there is no
Remember that you are a guide. We are here to give our children roots, challenge them to grow and give them resources to succeed and contribute in life. There are a lot of ups and downs along the way. Teach them how to travel that road with grace.
Some might think if their strategy worked with child #1, they can use that same strategy with child #2. Great idea! Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work. In fact, rarely. No matter how many children you have, no two ever seem to be the same. There are no shortcuts.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for spending extra time together. And, it’s a great time to expand our children’s perspective on the world as it relates to them. It takes great strength to get through hard times. That strength as a family comes in the quality time that we spend together … throughout the year. A great tool to bring positive conversations into your family is
A lot of traditions get challenged when our children grow up, move away, and get married. If we can keep in mind the point of the tradition …
For some parents, back to school means a breath of fresh air. For others, it is a rush of anxiety and panic. It is the end of “I’m bored,” “He hit me” and “Mom, mom, mom.” It is also the end of free flow days, homework-free evenings and sleeping-in mornings. We get adult time again, but not without the price of alarm clocks, deadlines and busy days.
I had the opportunity to welcome him into the world and let him know that I could really see him. How many of us go through life just wanting to be seen for who we are? What a gift it would be if every baby could hear the words …
Being able to say no to what doesn’t work for us, while not judging another, is an awesome character trait to instill in your children. This allows them to know and stand up for what they believe in, while honoring another’s choices which may very well be different.
Bullying is a huge problem in schools, and shows up in every age group. A “no bully zone” starts at home. How does your child
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