Halloween Meltdown Prevention Tips
For those of you just starting out with trick-or-treaters, or the veterans who are scared of the aftermath of candy goblins, here are some tips I have learned over the years …
For those of you just starting out with trick-or-treaters, or the veterans who are scared of the aftermath of candy goblins, here are some tips I have learned over the years …
One of the most common challenges I hear from parents is that their kids are not listening. Do you ever experience that? It’s really frustrating,
If you want a strong, healthy family and to create great character in your children, you need to be willing to invest time and attention in creating it. Your return on investment (ROI) will be amazing.
Move some items off your plate to make room for a relaxed and enjoyable holiday season. You can always pick those things up again next month. Magical moments are available, but you have to be there to experience them.
Is gratitude about not giving them everything? Is it about making them work for what they want? Maybe it’s making sure they see what others do not have? What about teaching them to share? This is the answer I came up with …
It is hard to believe that we are getting ready to go back to school already. It seems that summer break used to last longer
Our children are imprinted with varying amounts of fear from growing up in times of war and natural disasters. They are also imprinted with the compassion of those helping, the pain of those suffering loss and the joy of lives saved. That is a lot to take in for these little people with limited life experience.
One of our children just started middle school this year. This is our second child to go through what I call “Middle School Madness.” What
Letting go is hard. And yet letting go is essential. You can surrender to the process, or they will take their independence with force.
Personally, I wanted to do it another way. I wanted to preserve the innocence and imagination of my children. At the same time, I wanted to continue building trust and truth within our relationship.
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