Amazing Parenting: Receiving the Light and Love

By Traci L. Gaffney

Every child comes into this world as Light and Love. This is true for each of our children. This is true for each of us … including you.

Many adults are experiencing fear, anxiety and uncertainty in this time of change and seeming “darkness,” which causes us to stray from being the Light that we truly are. Our children, however, can help us with this, and they are happy to do so. Their laughter, joy and dreams are expressions of their Light. It is the natural way that they love us and remind us of who we are … Light and Love.

I know sometimes it can be difficult to laugh, play and feel “free” when we are going through tough times. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

We cannot remove the darkness of this time; we must ride out the storm. We can, however, “light a candle” by being proactive and smart in moving through the darkness. Ask yourself:

  • Am I taking advantage of the Light and Love that my children bring to me? (Enjoying and celebrating their laughter, joy and curiosity.)
  • Am I taking the opportunity to reconnect to my own inner Light? (Taking the time for silence, reflection and connection with God/Universe/whatever “Source” is for you.)
  • As I go through this “darkness,” am I being with my children, parenting them, and supporting them? (Taking time to be present and communicating with them so they do not feel alone, unseen or afraid.)

There will come a day in the lives of our children when they will need to remember that they are Light, just like weneed to remember that for ourselves today. What can you do today to support your child’s Light in the future?

Here is one simple way that I have supported my children’s Light …

Recently, my son Robert (11) was coming up the stairs and I simply said his name. He looked at me, walked straight over with open arms and gave me a hug. I said, “Oh, I needed a hug! Thank you. He said, “I know.” I said,“How did you know?” He said, “I saw it in your face and I heard it in your voice.” My heart melted with gratitude.My daughter, Alexis (7), jumped in with hugs, and I felt the Light of the Universe around me. It was such abeautiful experience. They brought me Light and Love. All I had to do was receive it. That supports their Light.In these moments, we are experiencing God.

Our children matter. We matter. We will move through these storms. When we get to the “light at the end of the tunnel,” we have an opportunity to look back and ask ourselves, “How did I show up as a parent during this time?”

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Receive the hugs. Enjoy the Laughter. Acknowledge the Light and the Love that your children bring to you every day. Do not be “silent about things that matter.”

May you and your family experience the brightest Light for all to see!

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