In January of this year, I wrote about gratitude and keeping a journal, as a family, of the things that we are thankful for each month of the year. When my mother passed away in March, I must say that my train went off the tracks and my gratitude journal each month has not been as consistent as I had originally anticipated. As I am contemplating the month of November, the month of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be a great time to rekindle the attitude of gratitude in our family. So, this month, I would like to encourage families to keep a piece of paper (colored construction paper works best for us) on or near the table where your family eats their meals, and to spend a few minutes over dinner (or breakfast) writing down the things that each of you has in your life that you feel grateful for. In our house, sometimes it’s the hamsters or the trampoline, a favorite dinner, a friend at school, a new toy, a day off from school, even the wind, the sound of the leaves in the trees, a beautiful colorful backyard, peace and quiet, time together, a warm blanket, and the list goes on and on. I am amazed when my kids appreciate nature and those simple things in life that can so easily go unnoticed. The sound that leaves make when blowing in the wind ~ that came from my kids!
Gratitude is a VERY powerful tool in life. It is easy, and yet it is just as easy to forget. If you can create a means by which to include it in every day, the sky is the limit in what you can create! I hear stories about gratitude and the benefits of feeling and expressing it every single day. Even just the feeling in your heart, in your whole body, when you share these things with your family ~ it’s like communion with God. I don’t think there are many things more beautiful than sharing love and gratitude with others, and especially your children.
So, that would be my thoughts for the month of November. See how many things in your life you are grateful for. My kids have gotten to the point where they go on and on and on, they are so excited to fill the sheet! They are getting such an education in the little things in life, which are some of the most impactful and important things at the end of the day.
May your Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude and love, warmth and family, blessings and peace. I look forward to experiencing the warm glow as our world is brightened by all of the gratitude that we will be sharing this holiday season!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!